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Our App

Home screen

Manage all your stuff in
one app

Are students of switching between emails and their class WhatsApp group? Do parents find it a hassle to rummage through drawers of files? Does the school admin get flustered by attendance registers? We have a solution to all your problems in one app! Avail all diverse features in SOOP, from receiving announcements to tracking fee payments. We have it all.



Get notifications of upcoming events and other important announcements made by the school.


View term wise date sheets and results of all upcoming and past exams respectively.


Access color-coded data regarding leaves, absences and presences in numerical and calendar form.

Test Results

View results of quizzes with additional information on maximum, average and minimum marks scored.


Stay up to date with events such as exams week, color day and parent teacher meeting.


Keep a check on your fee status to avoid fines and have complete traceability and accountability.
